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Showing posts from March, 2020

When you decide to write poetry you have at least some things

CANVAS: You want to see your work published quickly. So you'll have to canvas. This is where some basic sales tactics come in, especially if your new to the publishing game. First of all, remember, many new poets get looked over. That's not always the case if you're someone as sparklingly brilliant as Ranier Maria Rilke or Edgar Allan Poe, but even they had their struggles. There are many ways to quickly see your work in print/publication and they are as follows: When you decide to write poetry you have at least some things to take into account. These things often will get you either praise or criticism, firstly, you write what you want to project to your audience. Secondly you search the universe for the ideas that Our Creator, GOD has for us to help others and ourselves thereby. It's of the essence to reach the mind, the body, and the senses when writing poetry. Thirdly but not last, you need to remember to touch the emotions deeply, stirring up the seriousness so t...